Thursday, 29 November 2012


Noreen Mallory's "Paint Print Process"

Noreen Mallory's "Paint Print Process" displays selections of her work from the years between the early 80s until now, ranging from paint to the mono print. These works depict her interpretation of the confluence of nature, art, and the process of re-presentation.

Andrew Duff's "Eye to the Sky"

Andrew Duff's "Eye to the Sky" is a foray into a cerebral sci-fi realm populated with dreams of beauty, amidst images of techno-inspired bots and illuminated floating clouds.

Friday, 23 November 2012


Tomorrow's opening reception for Noreen Mallory's Paint Print Process and Andrew Duff's Eye to the Sky will be held at Gerrard Art Space (GAS) between 2 and 5pm. 

All are welcome to browse, chat, and view the work. See you then!

Thursday, 22 November 2012


FROM THE FRIDGE DOOR art classes for children and youth is beginning this coming Saturday (November 24th) and Monday (November 26th). For registration and more info visit

For the Preschooler and those 4-6 yrs old these 8 week sessions are quality art programs created to develop skills in observation, fine motor, colour sense and use of space. Learning about different artists and their work will help to engage and inspire as we work with watercolour and acrylic paint, charcoal, chalk pastels, clay, plaster and more…bring an apron because things will get messy! Students will also participate in an art show to complete the session!

For school aged 6-12 yrs these 8 week sessions students will work on still life paintings to abstract sculptures students will further develop their creative skills and begin to gain a sense of personal style. Colour theory, composition, line and form will be introduced as students create with a wide variety of wet and dry media and sculpting materials including acrylic paint, plaster, water colours, wood, clay and pastels. Students will host an art show to complete the session!


The next show of EAST SIDE BOOM! is coming up on December 8th

With musical guests: Julian Brown
                                The Volunteers
                                Dave Clark's Woodshed Orchestra

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Noella Kyser's "Offerings"

Although Noella Kyser's collages appear as whimsical  eye-candy to the emotional eye, they are upon closer scrutiny, deliberate metaphorical depictions of growth and malleability that bear an essentially hopeful perspective about "life"; a necessary ingredient for remaining humane in today's less than jovial world. As I look around the white walls of the north gallery where Offerings hangs, I'm struck by the work's attitude of freshness and simplicity in symbolic relation. The surrounding white walls are a world in itself, a vessel with ground, nurturing the seeds of art in it's shell both born of and sheltered from the skeptics' world outside.

Joanne F. Filletti's "Glorious Forms"

The colour and movement in the earth tone nature of Glorious Forms provokes a raw reading of the process of creation; namely, in order to grow as an artist and a human being, she always starts at the beginning, her origin. In the dramatic blur of the spontaneous eruption of life, there are no unrealistic aberrations of stylized contours, memorized lines separating negative and positive space, softening of strokes, nor accents of artifice in colour or narrative. Gesture is the original form, tone is the gradation of light playing on the form, and the form itself is rooted on the ground from whence it was born. Joanne Filletti has undertaken the responsive task of leaping from habitual re-production of typical forms into the making of ones more glorious, more aggressive and more real.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


GAS is pleased to extend an invitation to view a new body of work entitled "Eye to the Sky" from Andrew Duff and Noreen Mallory's "Paint Print Process" running concurrently November 21st to December 9th, 2012.

Please join us for the Opening Reception on Saturday November 24th, 2012 from 2-5 pm

Eye to the Sky
New Work by Andrew Duff
South Gallery, GAS

Paint Print Process
New Work By Noreen Mallory
North Gallery, GAS

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Come to an evening celebration with a new music series our EAST SIDE BOOM! taking place here at Gerrard Art Space (GAS) on November the 17th, 2012. Have a look below for event details.

It’s going to feature top-notch music right here in Little India with cash bar. 
It’s going to be a community and culture thing.
It’s going to be a monthly thing.
It’s going to start SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17TH FROM 8-11PM with two great groups:

Paul Kolinski and Heavy On The Willie" and "Callan J. Furlong  "Heavy On The Willie lovingly and loosely interprets personal favourite tunes of the great Willie Nelson and some of his riding partners. Led and guided by the ghost of Count Ryman, the Country Man, Heavy On The Willie stirs up the sawdust with a touch of soul."
It’s good times in the making - especially if YOU come on out.
If you’re interested in helping out with this series – with promotions, graphics, door, suggesting bands, getting on stage or anything else – let me know.
See you on NOVEMBER 17TH @ THE GAS!