Thank you to all who came to the reception on Saturday for The Holiday Show.
It was a fantastic turn out. Fun time was had getting to know the artists, friends and family.
The participating artists are:
Zia Foley, Michele Cross, Carol Gold, Dahlia Sawwan, Kay Compagnoni,
Ioana Bertrand, Peg Graham, Tuncel Mustafa, Roberto Centazzo, Brian Groberman,
Zach Rosen, Glenis Steuart, Lynn Kain, Tamar Ishaky, Jyne Greenley,
Marsha Wineman, Laura Hains, Marilyn Vasilkioti, Bev Quinn, Gail Cooper, Mario Angel, Robert Ratcliffe, Dave Corlett, Andrea Sinclair, Tashi Paldan Sherpa &
Dana Green.