Sunday, 23 July 2017

This summer GAS had the pleasure to host the Eclec-Tic-Toc Fest,  Friday July 14 & Saturday July 15.
Organized by the amazing and tireless Neal Retke, Eclec-Tic-Toc Fest brought together several bands from as far away as Brooklyn, New York. 
The line up-
Friday: James Bailey, Money House, Lorne Shapiro, Brian Abbott, Body of Waste, Darling Cora, Bit Reduction, MIKL132( Mickie Lynn), The Bim Prongs, Ben Grossman, Cheryl Q, Barry Prophet, FASTER, Group Improv with Irrevery & Valerie Kuelne
Saturday: No One Receiving Duo, Irrevery, Valarie Kuhene ( + Irrevery), Fake Flesh, Retired, Damon Loren Baker, Moth Ash, KNURL & {AN} Eel.

See pics provided by GAS & Loren Shapiro ( thanks Lorne!)

                          The following photos were graciously provided by Lorne Shapiro

Saturday, 22 July 2017

The Home Show July 19th-30th
With works by Emmanuel Albano, Dana Green, Susan Aaron, Dyvie Aquino, Lynda B. Hattin, Carolina Reis, Bernadette Wycks, & Matt Wood.

Reception Thursday,  July 20th

What makes a home a home? Have you ever lived in an unconventional space - a commune, a tent, a squat - and called it home? Does "home" have to be a physical structure at all? What does "home" feel like? These are some of the questions we've asked our contributing artists to ponder. We hope you enjoy what they've come up with!

and that's the end...