Saturday, 11 August 2012

Kids' Art Classes Return

Nicola Maguire of From the Fridge Door is returning to GAS with an autumn slate of children's art classes:

Early Bird Registration! 
Register by August 27 for a 10% discount! 
Preschool, 4-6 yrs. - $150/8 wk session
Students will create a variety of work while developing their skills in observation, fine motor, colour sense and use of space.  Learning about different artists and their work will help to engage and inspire as we work with watercolour and acrylic paint, charcoal, chalk pastels, clay, plaster and more...bring an apron because things will get messy!
Students will participate in an art show to complete the session!

Monday 1 -2 pm  September 10 - November 5 (no class on Oct.8 due to holiday)

School Aged, 6-12 yrs. - $150/8 wk session
From still life paintings to abstract sculptures students will further develop their creative skills and begin to gain a sense of personal style.  Colour theory, composition, line and form will be introduced as students create with a wide variety of wet and dry media and sculpting materials including acrylic paint, plaster, water colours, wood, clay and pastels. Students will host an art show to complete the session!

Monday 4-5pm September 10 -November 5 (no class on Oct 8 due to holiday)

Saturday 10-11 am September 15 - November 3